Hey folks,
Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season. The boys are all geared up, with birthdays falling in November and December for three of the four of us. Thanksgiving was great, we built an oven out of Cinder blocks here at the yard and Bob cut an old water tank from his boat into a firepan complete with good venting and a grill grate, and we smoked two turkeys from 10am to 3 pm. They turned out scrumptious, and several local cruisers and boaters came out with food galore.
For those of you that don't know, we are leaving to head "south" to some warmer climate, with hopes of spending a few months seeing some of the South Carolina and Georgia's coastline. We have enrolled the kids in homeschooling, and Bridget is currently reading and researching with some of the local homeschoolers here to get up to speed on the details. We will be sending updates to the boys classes letting them participate with the class along the way so the class can keep track of where we are and the places we've stopped and seen along the way.
With all that being said, we wanted to send a "thank you" out to all the wonderful friends and family that have been so supportive of our crazy ideas. It's been a wonderful learning experience for us, full of adventure, and wonder, and great people that all have been so encouraging, and loving, and helpful. The boys have had a blast!
We'll be leaving Oriental (weather pending) Saturday morning (December 13th) before dawn, heading south on the Intracoastal Waterway. You can find out more about the ICW @
http://www.cruisingtheicw.com/ . We will hopefully have a functional computer by then, and if not we'll certainly post when we can to the blog at stops along the way. We can be reached by email @
sailingmorgans@yahoo.com or snail mail @ PO Box 12 Oriental, NC 28571.
We are sorry for the lack of posting, but we are working to get everything back up to speed.
Hope to post soon.
Ray, Bridget, Max, and Noah