Saturday, May 24, 2008

Peter and Gale Return

We found out that Peter and Gale were getting close on their journey back from the islands, and were crossing the Nuese, so we hailed them on the radio and next thing we know, we're boarding their boat in the middle of the Whitaker Creek Channel like a bunch of pirates. Glad to see them back. Here's the video of their arrival.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday Night Flamenco

This is Andrea and Richard Black. We met them at the yard while they were having some work done on their boat and found out they are very artistic. Check out their website at They are soon to be headed to Spain and the Med and last night they performed their flamenco at the local theater here in town. It was a great show.
click here to see a video of their show.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tree Frog Gang

They sound like little barking dogs. Just so happened to be two of them hangin' out on the "No Swimming" sign at the pool. Couldn't get the focus on the camera to work right because it was getting dark.
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fidelis Places First In Oriental Regatta

Aussie Jimmy (The Thinking Man)John (Falcon Pilot, and winch monkey)

Fidelis placed first in this weekend's regatta on the Nuese. We had an interesting start, crossing the starting line seconds after the start horn went off, (which in itself is difficult) only to find that after an immediate tack following the start line, our boat didn't have enough wind to complete the turn, and ended up "in irons" (sitting still without moving in the water) with several boats heading straight for us. After starting Jim and John (Our trusty crew aboard Fidelis) kept the sails trimmed while I held course and we slowly gained on the other boats. Winds were around 20 mph and we had a Genoa headsail up, which ended up being too much sail for the race, (I found the boat getting away from me once, weather helm) but our speed stayed high averaging around 6-7 knots. Keep in mind that we live on our boat, so it's not exactly lightened up for racing either.
We had a good time, and the crew did a great job, worked hard and was constantly tending the sheets and telltales to make sure our speed stayed high. Way to go guys, and thanks!
You can learn more about the race results @
click "race results"
or just click here