Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Well, after a "colder than usual" winter, we are intensely cleaning the boat, and getting into areas that haven't seen a bottle of bleach in a while. Removed our Loran C system (it was taking up valuable space on the Nav Station)....rebuilt our head, repaired our macerator, installed our cockpit table, and did a whole bunch of little things to the boat that are too numerous to mention. Bridget made a canvas compass cover for the Binnacle, and has gotten rid of a number of things that have been on the boat without much use.....they say "if you don't use it in 6 months...get rid of it" and that's seeming to apply to this quite a bit. We've kept some wonderful company with friends that live here at the marina, and have had a lot of fun with the boys. We took them to see Fort Raleigh on Roanoke Island, and Jockey's Ridge.
Anyway, we're coming out of hibernation now, working on getting the boat into shape.

Will post some photos soon...