Monday, September 29, 2008

South River Weekend

We took off on Saturday for South River and hung out with Perry and Susan. We anchored near an old cemetary and a small beach. Nice little hide-out.
The next morning we noticed we were anchored near "Big John" and his friends on his beautiful wooden gem "Whampoa" which means "much wood to varnish".
Beautiful weekend.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Summer's End

It's been a really great summer.... and a great year for that matter. Now the leaves are changing colors and before we know it the cold will set in. We're already looking forward to next spring.
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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Castnetting Mystery Solved

Well, after not being able to castnet (used to know how, 15 years ago, but had to re-aquaint myself) we went out and tried to catch some shrimp. We caught a handful of shrimp and menhaden. Here's some pictures.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Melting Metal

Bob and I have started a welding class last week. We're quickly learning that it's definately a skill that needs a great deal of practice. I think it's a great "know how notch on the belt" 'around boats. Hopefully it'll come in handy in the future. Once a week on Tuesdays we go at it for four hours. The picture is just a random I found out there on the web....I hope to get some pics from the class.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


The boatyard is quickly filling up with boats. The dock is buzzing with boat owners that we haven't seen in ages. We have stripped Fidelis of it's canvas, and doubled the lines at the dock. If the storm gets too bad, we will be staying with a local family (Mary Ann and Walt) here, until everything blows over. We don't expect Hanna to be too bad, however, Ike looks to be extremely powerful, blowing at 140 mph. Looks like sailing for the next few weekends (during the best sailing month of the year) may be interupted with these storms.
We will probably not be able to post once the storm is near.
We'll keep in touch as soon as we can.
In the meantime, has a great hurricane tracking feature that's extremely useful, as well as an active radar for the local area, so we should be able to see everything coming well ahead of time.

Batten down the hatches.

Monday, September 1, 2008

More Pictures From The Beach

Woke up this morning, went to see if Bob and Molly wanted to go to the beach... and that was our day! Here's some pics, and we may have a video soon.
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