Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dots and Dashes

 Can you guess what this is?

 Bridget took this one of the navigational lights on the main bridge
 it's actually red, green, red but the light on the right
ended up looking a bit gold in the reflection

Sunday, March 27, 2011

4 Weeks

After today we will have been on the hook for 1 month.  The majority of this past month has been spent with pretty windy conditions, last night got up to 22 knots.  We've only had to jug water once, utilizing the rain every chance we get (filled up last night, again), and looks like it's gonna be raining pretty much all of next week.  So, overall, it's been much easier than we had expected....  spoke to my mom last night on the phone and she said that it was in the 20's in Ohio......Brrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!  We're thankful that it's warming up a bit down here. 

Bridget picked up two 5 gallon buckets, 3 bags of dirt, and a couple of tomato cages, and she's going to grow two tomato plants from the transom!!!!  "There's only two things that money can't buy, and that's true love and home grown tomatoes"!  (Good song)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Max Sings Opera

All I can say is..... GET READY!

Makin' the family proud!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Chance At Play

See if you can spot what's going on here.....
saw these guys in the afternoon, much more difficult to see
in the video, but we had to share it!

(4) otters playing on the sand

Friday, March 18, 2011

Unique Boat & Supermoon

This guy floated by this afternoon, in a unique boat hailing from PA, check out all those solar panels....

and if you haven't seen the moon, go outside and look up, suposed to be the closest to the earth it's been in (forever) tomorrow night! It's gonna be a blankets out in the cockpit night for us, enjoying this break in the cold weather!
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Many Thanks

Just wanted to say thanks to Joe, Cherie, and Larry, for coming out to the Silos last night, and being really supportive.... that was cool!  Thanks y'all!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Peter and Gail Leave For Cuba

Got a call from Peter yesterday afternoon....
they were several miles off the coast and headed to Cuba
they should be there later today. This is a shot from a few years back,
Gail and the boys having fun!
You can check out their blog @
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Monday, March 14, 2011


We don't even have a TV and we're consumed by the horendous images of this catstrophy.  We feel heartbroken, and are very taken back by the unbelieveable suffering that is happening in this country.  We pray for them.... and our thoughts are with them now!

Lets Make The Most Of This Beautiful Day

A steel hulled boat, at anchor right behind us.... stepped out in the cockpit this morning to a beautiful sunrise and thought I'd take a picture of our neighborhood.... am I sounding like Mr. Rogers?
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

An old International work truck, parked outside of a sweet potato farm.....
rockin' the rust, another photo from a while back!

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 knot gusts

Movie, originally uploaded by sailingmorgans.
A view from the's been blowing 30 knots pretty steady... just some footage around the boat from earlier when it was blowin' around 10

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Morning from the Anchorage

DSCN5122-1, originally uploaded by sailingmorgans.

Woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise....looks like it's going to be a nice day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Rain Train

So far we've been fortunate while at anchor.....  we've been able to block our scuppers and completely fill our tanks with rainwater....  through the months of winter @ the dock, we've had to jug water to the boat with the help of (5) 5 gallon jugs , so we expected to have to do the same while at anchor.....  however, a little bit of tape right before it rains on deck, and the tanks are topped off much quicker than we had ever expected, and no juggin'!  This makes the boys very happy.....  This is the longest we've ever been at anchor and things are going much better than we thought.... We have removed most of what we own from the boat and are cleaning (in spots that haven't been cleaned in a while.....yuck!) 
The biggest issue is condensation through the cold evenings, and early mornings.  We've had winds up to 40 knots, and the boat has done really well....  can't believe how much high wind has come through in the last week....sheesh!  Looking forward to some warmer weather and a chance to open up the boat and dry it out!  Another thing that we've found very useful through all of this.....  The dinghy the boys built (with the help of Bob and Molly) has proven to be a real sturdy and versatile tool for hauling large amounts of stuff in one trip.....  we can get all 4 of us and a weeks worth of groceries in the dinghy and to the boat with no problem.... as long as the wind isn't blowing 40 knots!  I've recently started working for Laverty and Co. full time, and have had several boat projects come in that have booked us up for the next several weekends, so that's a real relief.... but we're still uncertain about whether or not we'll come out the other side of this winter with everything back in order....  time will tell).  For now, we're doing it!  We're thankful for a lot of support from our family and friends up north, who've been in touch with us regularly and have been very encouraging, and our boating friends as well....  we'll post more when more develops!

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Old Are You?

Heading out of Oriental, there's this old farmhouse, long ago forgotten....  looking in the window on the bottom right, there's a lot of stuff, and a few antiques....  a bit strange....
How Old Are You?, originally uploaded by sailingmorgans.