So far we've been fortunate while at anchor..... we've been able to block our scuppers and completely fill our tanks with rainwater.... through the months of winter @ the dock, we've had to jug water to the boat with the help of (5) 5 gallon jugs , so we expected to have to do the same while at anchor..... however, a little bit of tape right before it rains on deck, and the tanks are topped off much quicker than we had ever expected, and no juggin'! This makes the boys very happy..... This is the longest we've ever been at anchor and things are going much better than we thought.... We have removed most of what we own from the boat and are cleaning (in spots that haven't been cleaned in a while.....yuck!)
The biggest issue is condensation through the cold evenings, and early mornings. We've had winds up to 40 knots, and the boat has done really well.... can't believe how much high wind has come through in the last week....sheesh! Looking forward to some warmer weather and a chance to open up the boat and dry it out! Another thing that we've found very useful through all of this..... The dinghy the boys built (with the help of Bob and Molly) has proven to be a real sturdy and versatile tool for hauling large amounts of stuff in one trip..... we can get all 4 of us and a weeks worth of groceries in the dinghy and to the boat with no problem.... as long as the wind isn't blowing 40 knots! I've recently started working for Laverty and Co. full time, and have had several boat projects come in that have booked us up for the next several weekends, so that's a real relief.... but we're still uncertain about whether or not we'll come out the other side of this winter with everything back in order.... time will tell). For now, we're doing it! We're thankful for a lot of support from our family and friends up north, who've been in touch with us regularly and have been very encouraging, and our boating friends as well.... we'll post more when more develops!